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BJ-RUC产品在小区供暖供回水温度预报的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李迅  冯涛  丁德平  谢庄 《气象》2015,41(2):234-239
利用气象部门快速更新的BJ-RUC(Beijing-Rapid UpdateCycle)数值预报系统获得的24 h逐时的室外温度预报资料,应用能量平衡原理,建立建筑物热损失方程和供热量方程,从而推导出室外温度和室内温度、供水、回水温度的预报模型。用此模型对2010年3月1—15日期间的供、回水温度进行预报模拟,与北京市海园物业供热单位实况值进行对比分析。检验结果表明,该模型模拟的室内温度与设计要求的室内温度(20℃)之间的均方根误差为0.25℃,海园物业室内温度监测点数值与20℃之间的均方根误差为1.53℃。模拟的供、回水温度与海园物业监测点供水温度的均方根误差分别为3.69℃和3.80℃。  相似文献   
傅新姝  谈建国 《气象》2015,41(12):1531-1537
对温度观测资料进行质量控制时,僵值和突变是常见的疑误类型,针对城市复杂环境中僵值和突变疑误数据进行研究,对降低城市自动站温度资料质量控制的误检率有重要价值。文章针对城市复杂环境(以上海世博园为例)中18个自动气象站一年(2010年5月至2011年4月)逐时温度资料进行质量控制,着重探讨僵值及突变疑误数据的分布特征和可能原因。结果表明:(1)僵值疑误数据集中出现在冬季夜间,局地性强。阴天或多云天气,通风不佳的测站感热项较小,易出现僵值过程,最长持续11 h。(2)温度突变疑误数据可分“突升”和“突降”两类,“突升”集中出现在秋冬季,而“突降”集中在春夏季;“突升”集中出现在日出前后,而“突降”主要出现在午后至夜晚,“突升”局地性强而“突降”各站间趋同性较强。分析发现,城市复杂环境下,日照突然增加或减少以及午后短时强降水是导致温度突变疑误数据的主要原因。因此,这些“疑误”数据是城市复杂环境影响或特定天气条件导致的,为真实有效的观测资料。针对城市复杂环境下的温度观测资料开展质量控制时,需结合观测环境等元数据进一步甄别。  相似文献   
2014年中国气候概况   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
2014年,全国平均气温较常年偏高0.5℃,与1999年并列为1961年以来第六暖年;四季气温均偏高。全国平均降水量636.2 mm,接近常年,比2013年偏少3%;降水时空分布不均,辽宁、北京和河北偏少明显,冬、春、夏三季降水量均接近常年同期,秋季偏多。华南前汛期开始早、雨量多;西南雨季开始晚、结束早、雨量少;梅雨区降水量南多北少,江淮出现空梅;华北雨季不明显,出现空汛;华西秋雨开始早、结束晚、雨量多。夏季副热带高压脊线位置偏南,南海夏季风爆发晚,东亚夏季风强度略偏弱。2014年,我国气候属正常年景,极端天气气候事件少于2013年,暴雨洪涝、干旱等灾害偏轻,因灾造成死亡人数和受灾面积明显偏少,气象灾害属于偏轻年份。  相似文献   
GRAPES_RAFS系统2 m温度偏差订正方法研究   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
王婧  徐枝芳  范广洲  刘佩廷  李泽椿 《气象》2015,41(6):719-726
本文通过对2013年6月20日至7月20日GRAPES(Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction System)_RAFS(Rapid Analysis and Forecast System)系统每天8个时次每3h的2 m温度预报进行分析,发现各时次的预报均能较好地表征2 m温度日变化特征,但预报与实况存在一定的偏差,其中西藏东部川西高原、云贵高原、江南武夷山脉偏低于实况可达3℃,而华北地区偏高于实况3℃以上.为了减小GRAPES_RAFS系统偏差对2m温度预报的影响,本文采用平均法、双权重平均法、滑动平均法和滑动双权重平均法分别对GRAPES_RAFS系统2 m温度预报产品进行偏差订正,并对订正前后的结果进行检验分析和对比.结果表明:2 m温度订正后的平均误差大部地区减小到(一1~1℃),而均方根误差大部地区降低到2.5℃内.对于偏差较大地区,订正效果更为明显,如西藏东部川西高原,经过订正,平均误差绝对值由订正前3℃以上降低到1℃内,而RMSE由订正前4℃以上控制到3℃内.对比四种订正方法,双权重订正方法与平均法订正整体效果接近,但对个别站点,双权重订正法要优于平均法,经过滑动的订正方法比无滑动的订正方法订正效果更好,订正效果最好的是滑动双权重平均法,全国平均误差大部分在(-0.5~0.5℃)内,不超过(-1~1℃)的范围.  相似文献   
山东半岛冷流强降雪和非冷流强降雪的对比分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
李丽  张丰启  施晓晖 《气象》2015,41(5):613-621
利用1981—2000年常规气象观测和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,采用合成分析和动力诊断分析方法,对冷流强降雪与非冷流强降雪的空间分布、大气环流、水汽输送、稳定度和垂直运动进行对比分析。结果表明:冷流强降雪是发生在槽后西北气流里的中小尺度不稳定降雪,非冷流强降雪是发生在槽前西南气流中大尺度稳定性降雪。冷流强降雪具有明显的地方性特点,是强冷空气对下垫面物理状态强迫响应的结果。提出强冷空气与渤海暖水面相互作用产生的大气边界层不稳定是产生冷流降雪的本质,在这种边界层不稳定层结中发生的降雪是冷流降雪的概念。  相似文献   
一次西南低涡东移引发长江中下游暴雨的诊断研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘晓波  储海 《气象》2015,41(7):825-832
利用常规观测资料和NECP再分析资料,对2013年6月6—7日西南低涡东移加强发展造成长江中下游大暴雨过程进行了诊断分析,重点探讨了西南低涡东移和发展维持的物理机制以及最强降水的变化特征。结果表明,沿着700 hPa高空切变线东移的西南低涡是造成此次长江中下游地区暴雨的直接影响系统,西南低涡沿着700 hPa切变线东移发展,深厚阶段正涡度柱伸展到400 hPa高度,自下而上呈近垂直结构。西南低涡附近低层辐合与高层辐散的大尺度环境条件、西南低涡与西南低空急流耦合发展动力结构、低空暖平流和高空槽前正涡度平流输送等条件是导致西南低涡东移到长江中下游后加强发展的主要因子。与西南低涡相伴随的强降雨区主要位于低涡南部3个纬距以内,该处的西南季风和副高西南侧东南气流两支水汽输送的汇合为暴雨发生提供了充沛的水汽和对流不稳定能量,而对流层中低层携带的冷空气侵入低层低涡的后部,不仅加强了低涡的斜压性,也促进了上冷下暖不稳定层结的产生和发展,为强降水的发生提供了不稳定对流触发条件。  相似文献   
摘要:选用世界气象组织推荐的极端气候指数方法,对1961—2012年塔城地区6个极端气温指数进行分析,应用百分位法定义极端温度阈值,得出塔城地区极端温度事件变化的基本事实。结果表明:塔城地区近52年来冷昼、冷夜事件和严寒日数分别以3.5 d/10a、9.3 d/10a和4.3 d/10a的速率下降,突变点分别出现在1994、1988和1979年;暖昼、暖夜事件和高温日数分别以3.6 d/10a、8.6 d/10a和0.6 d/10a的速率在上升,突变点分别出现在1989、1990和1973年;极端气温指标多存在25~28 a和5~8 a的振荡周期,在空间分布上,各指标的减少(增加)速率与纬度、地形相关,随纬度增加而多呈现出北部大,中部、南部小的特点。  相似文献   
The consistency of global atmospheric mass and water budget performance in 20 state-of-the-art ocean–atmosphere Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) coupled models has been assessed in a historical experiment. All the models realistically reproduce a climatological annual mean of global air mass (AM) close to the ERA-Interim AM during 1989–2005. Surprisingly, the global AM in half of the models shows nearly no seasonal variation, which does not agree with the seasonal processes of global precipitable water or water vapor, given the mass conservation constraint. To better understand the inconsistencies, we evaluated the seasonal cycles of global AM tendency and water vapor source (evaporation minus precipitation). The results suggest that the inconsistencies result from the poor balance between global AM tendency and water vapor source based on the global AM budget equation. Moreover, the cross-equatorial dry air mass ?ux, or hemispheric dry mass divergence, is not well represented in any of the 20 CMIP5 models, which show a poorly matched seasonal cycle and notably larger amplitude, compared with the hemispheric tendencies of dry AM in both the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere. Pronounced erroneous estimations of tropical precipitation also occur in these models. We speculate that the large inaccuracy of precipitation and possibly evaporation in the tropics is one of the key factors for the inconsistent cross-equatorial mass ?ux. A reasonable cross-equatorial mass ?ux in well-balanced hemispheric air mass and moisture budgets remains a challenge for both reanalysis assimilation systems and climate modeling.  相似文献   
By using the observed monthly mean data over 160 stations of China and NCAR/NCEP reanalysis data, the generalized equilibrium feedback assessment(GEFA) method, combined with the methods of EOF analysis, correlation and composite analysis, is used to explore the influence of different SST modes on a wintertime air temperature pattern in which it is cold in the northeast and warm in the southwest in China. The results show that the 2009/2010 winter air temperature oscillation mode between the northern and southern part of China is closely related to the corresponding sea surface temperature anomalies(SSTA) and its associated atmospheric circulation anomalies. Exhibiting warming in Northeast China and cooling in Southwest China, the mode is significantly forced by the El Nio mode and the North Atlantic SSTA mode, which have three poles. Under the influence of SSTA modes, the surface northerly flow transported cold air to North and Northeast China, resulting in low temperatures in the regions. Meanwhile, the mid-latitude westerlies intensify and the polar cold air stays in high latitudes and cannot affect the Southwest China, resulting in the warming there.  相似文献   
Based on the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dataset and in situ meteorological observations of daily precipitation in boreal summer from 1979 to 2008, the features of circulation anomalies have been investigated using the composite analysis for the extreme events and non-extreme events of regional mean daily rainfall(RMDR) occurring over the midand lower- Yangtze valley(MLYV). The extreme RMDR(ERMDR) events are the events at and above the percentile99 in the rearranged time-series of the RMDR with ascending order of rainfall amount. The non-extreme RMDR events are those at the percentiles 90-85 and 80-75 separately. Our results suggest that the threshold value is 25 mm/day for the ERMDR at percentile 99. Precipitation at all the percentiles is found to occur more frequently in the Meiyu rainfall season in MLYV, and the ERMDR events have occurred with higher frequency since the 1990 s. For the percentiles-associated events, the MLYV is under the control of an anomalous cyclonic circulation in the mid- and lower- troposphere with vastly different anomalous circulation at higher levels. However, at both low and high levels, the ERMDR events-related anomalous circulation is stronger compared to that linked to the non-ERMDR events. The dominant sources of water vapor differ between the ERMDR and non-ERMDR events. During the ERMDR events plentiful water vapor is transported from the Bay of Bengal into the MLYV directly by divergence while there is distinctly increased water vapor from the South China Sea(SCS) in non-RMERMDR episodes. The diabatic heating rates < Q1>, < Q2> and< Q1>- < Q2> have their anomalous patterns and are consistent with each other for these percentiles but their strength decreases markedly with the drop of rainfall intensity. For the precipitation at percentiles 99 and 90-85, the sea surface temperature anomalies(SSTA) in the Pacific distribute positively(negatively) in the south(north), and are stronger when the ERMDR emerges, with little or no SSTA as the events at percentile 80-75 occur. Besides, these results suggest that the genesis of the ERMDR event is directly related to intense local circulation anomalies and the circulation anomalies over the Pacific and SCS in tropical to mid-latitudes, and probably linked with the Pacific SSTA closely while the non-ERMDR events are mainly associated with the anomalous circulation on a local basis. The findings here help understand and predict the happening of ERMDR events over the MLYV.  相似文献   
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